Foreign students to learn Chinese, to grasp the different usage of various types of quantifiers, such as a ruler, a cow, a well, etc., always regarded as fear Road. If in English, an “a ” or “an ” is not all included? When they further study the classical Chinese poetry, it is more difficult to prove their implication. I was asked, why did Li Bai say “Chang'an one month”? “One month” and “One month”, “One month” What is the difference? “Of course, refers to the range of an arrow, why can they extend ” a bow “(Yang Wanli tour Pu Jian was Zhou Shuai Caichang Zhang ship ”(“ Wang Jiangting ”“ see official away from a shot ”) and a long list of other? Is its meaning exactly the same? It seems that in-depth understanding of the specific usage of quantifiers in poetry, appreciation and understanding of literary works , Is very helpful.