主持人:胡文娜中国城市规划行业信息网http : //www .China-up . com西欧第一大河莱茵河(Rhine River),发源于瑞士境内的阿尔卑斯山北麓,西北流经列支敦士登、奥地利、法国、德国和荷兰,最后在鹿特丹附近注入北海。全长1320公里的莱茵河滋养了欧罗巴大陆上无数美丽的城镇。
Host: Hu Wenna China’s urban planning industry information network http: // www. China-up. Com Western Europe’s largest river Rhine (Rhine River), originated in the Swiss Alps in the northern foothills, north-west through Liechtenstein, Austria, France , Germany and the Netherlands, and finally into the North Sea near Rotterdam. The 1,320-kilometer Rhine nourishes countless beautiful towns on the continent of Europe.