T E 劳伦斯是二十世纪英国文坛上的军人作家 ,因其成功地领导阿拉伯部族反抗土耳其帝国的统治 ,被誉为“阿拉伯的劳伦斯”。他以此为题材创作的《智慧的七大支柱》获得“伟大的现代史诗”的称誉。该书在报道军事行动的同时 ,还生动地描述了阿拉伯的历史、宗教以及风土人情。此外 ,他在翻译、文学评论等方面也卓有建树。他对阿拉伯自由事业所表现出的忠诚和成名以后急流勇退、隐身行伍的做法成为一直吸引西方世界的“劳伦斯之谜”。
T E Lawrence, a military writer on the English literary scene of the twentieth century, was hailed as “Lawrence of Arabia” because of his success in leading the Arab tribes against the rule of the Turkish Empire. His “Seven Pillars of Wisdom,” which he created as the theme, won the reputation of “great modern epic”. While covering military operations, the book also vividly described Arab history, religion and customs. In addition, he also made great achievements in translation, literary criticism and other aspects. His loyalty and fame after the liberation cause of Arabia became a “Lawrence mystery” which has always attracted the Western world.