在日常生活中 ,我们一般将“诚”理解为“真诚无欺”、“诚实无妄”。它包含着“仁、义、礼、智、信”这样几种伦理要求。但是 ,这种五常要求 (仁义礼智信 )在古代中国却不仅仅是作为一种具体的道德规范而被社会所要求的 ,它本身还具有沟通天、人 ,贯通天道、人道的本体论地位和作用。“诚”这一伦理概念的本体论化过程自先秦始 ,而至宋代完成 ,并由此确立了历史上道德主义的无上权威。
In our daily life, we generally understand “honesty” as “honesty and freedom” and “honesty and indulgence.” It contains several ethical requirements of “benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom and faith.” However, this five-permanent requirement (Benevolence and Wisdom and Faith Letter) was not only sought by society in ancient China as a concrete moral standard, but also possessed of the ontological status of communicating Heaven, human beings, effect. The ontological process of “honesty”, an ethical concept, was completed from the beginning of the Qin dynasty to the Song dynasty, and thus established the supreme authority of moralism in history.