据Anderson D 2014年7月25日(FASEB J,2014 Jul 25.)报道,英国拉德福德大学的研究人员设计了一种简单新型的血液检测技术,可以用于诊断个体是否患了癌症。这种新型血液检测技术可以帮助医生们排除癌症患者,不仅如此其还可以帮助医生们确定那些可疑的癌症患者;早期研究中研究人员利用该方法可以对患者是否患癌症及癌症前的状况给出准确的诊断,这项研究中利用一种名为淋巴细胞基因组敏感性
Anderson D, July 25, 2014 (FASEB J, 2014 Jul 25.) reported that researchers at the University of Radford, UK, have designed a simple new blood test that can be used to diagnose whether an individual is suffering from cancer. Not only that, it helps physicians identify suspicious cancer patients; in earlier studies researchers used the method to give a picture of whether a patient had cancer and pre-cancerous conditions For accurate diagnosis, this study exploits a genomic sensitization called lymphocyte