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苏教版小学语文教材以其对语文学习规律的独特认识,在继承语文教育传统的基础上开拓创新,体现出民族化、现代化和简约化的特点,以其精致的选文系统,完整的知识系统,独特的助读系统和个性的训练系统在众多小学语文教材中独树一帜,呈现出独特的教材品质。 Based on its unique understanding of the law of Chinese learning and the inheritance of the traditional Chinese education, the textbook of the primary school of the Soviet version of the educational reform has been characterized by its nationalization, modernization and simplification. With its elaborate essay system and complete knowledge System, a unique reading system and personality training system is unique in many primary school language teaching materials, showing a unique quality of teaching materials.
摘 要:现在,在初中阶段教学中,我们可以发现,存在着那么一部分学生,他们纪律不好,而且学习成绩差。他们具体的日常表现为:对学习提不起兴趣,上课不注意听讲,做错了受到批评还当堂顶撞老师。本文针对此类学生,总结出学困生的几个特点,提出相对应的教育转化策略。  关键词:初中阶段 学困生 特点 转化策略  学困生,从字眼上说就是学习困难的学生,通俗地来说,指的是那部分学习成绩暂时落后的学生。其实任何一个