
来源 :河南图书馆学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:malongqingse
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目前,图书馆学的研究空前活跃,特别是图书馆学的应用研究更是发展迅猛,近年来,已经先后出版了《藏书建设》、《读者工作概论》、《图书馆科学管理》、《图书馆古籍整理》等专著,这样,应用图书馆学就有条件从图书馆学中分化出来,建立《应用图书馆学概论》。笔者认为至少有以下作用:①能加快图书馆学的研究进程,不断完善图书馆学的学科体系;②对图书馆的实际工作 At present, the study of library science is unprecedentedly active. In particular, the applied research of library science is developing rapidly. In recent years, “Library Construction”, “Introduction to Reader Work”, “Library Science Management”, “Book Library ancient books finishing ”and other monographs, so that the application of library science conditions have differentiated from the library science, the establishment of“ Introduction to Library Science. ” I believe that at least the following effects: ① to speed up the research process of library science, and constantly improve the disciplinary system of library science; ② on the actual work of the library
Tea culture and China are synonymous, but even old-style teahouses have to change with the times Xinquan Tea House is filled with old men who seemingly have kno
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1 “88·8”特大暴雨洪水1988年8月4日19时至5日8时,面积仅132km~2的新乡市石门河石门水库以上流域平均降水量310.8mm,其中五里窑雨量站降水359.7mm。5日6时12分左右,石门水
Back in the day I used to like nothing more than parking off after a day of torment at the office, pouring two fingers of Chivas Regal Scotch, dropping in a cou
1 濮阳县黄河滩区概况濮阳县黄河滩区位于黄河下游,濮阳县境内黄河堤以南,长60km,最宽处约6km,窄处几乎没有滩区,总面积217km~2,总耕地1.32万 km~216.4万人,人均耕地0.08km~