Design and Verification of an Auxiliary System for High Vacuum Die Casting

来源 :Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bulocom
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Vacuum die casting is the optimal method to produce high quality aluminum alloy components.At present,there are still very few systematic studies on vacuum die casting theory and equipment design.On the basis of the existing theories of the vacuum die casting pumping and venting systems,a simplified model is established in this research.The model has an aggregate unit consisted of “vacuum pump + buffer tank” and a cylindrical container(including the shot sleeve,cavity and exhaust channel).The theoretical analysis is carried out between the cavity pressure and the pumping time under different volume models.An auxiliary system for high vacuum die casting is designed based on the above analysis.This system is composed of a vacuum control machine and a new vacuum stop valve.The machine has a human-computer control mode with “programmable logic controller(PLC) + touch screen” and a real-time monitoring function of vacuum degree for buffer tank and die cavity.The vacuum stop valve with the “compressed gas + piston rod + labyrinth groove” structure can realize the function of whole-process vacuum venting.The new system shows great advantages on vacuuming the cavity with a much faster speed by making tests on an existing die casting mold and a 250 t die casting machine.A die cavity pressure less than 10 kPa can be reached within 0.8 s in the experiment and the porosity of castings can be greatly decreased.The systematic studies on vacuum die casting theory and equipment have a great guiding significance for high vacuum die casting,and can also be applied to other high vacuum forming in related theoretical and practical research. Vacuum die casting is the optimal method to produce high quality aluminum alloy components. At present, there are still very few systematic studies on vacuum die casting theory and equipment design. On the basis of the existing theories of the vacuum die casting pumping and venting systems , a simplified model is established in this research. The model has an aggregate unit consisted of “vacuum pump + buffer tank ” and a cylindrical container (including the shot sleeve, cavity and exhaust channel). The theoretical analysis is carried out between between the cavity pressure and the pumping time under different volume models. An auxiliary system for high vacuum die casting is designed based on the above analysis. This system is composed of a vacuum control machine and a new vacuum stop valve. The machine has a human- computer control mode with “programmable logic controller (PLC) + touch screen ” and a real-time monitoring function of vacuum degree for buffer tank and die cavity. vacuum stop valve with t he “compressed gas + piston rod + labyrinth groove ” structure can realize the function of whole-process vacuum venting. the new system shows great advantages on vacuuming the cavity with a much faster speed by making tests on an existing die casting mold and a 250 t die casting machine. A die cavity pressure less than 10 kPa can be reached within 0.8 s in the experiment and the porosity of castings can be greatly reduced. The systematic studies on vacuum die casting theory and equipment have a great guiding significance for high vacuum die casting, and can also be applied to other high vacuum forming in related theoretical and practical research.
1899年,数学家闵可夫斯基在苏黎世联邦工业大学任教,爱因斯坦是他的得意门生。师徒二人经常在一起探讨问题。  这天,爱因斯坦又来请教问题。“老师,一个人怎样才能在科学领域做出成绩、留下自己的足迹呢?”闵可夫斯基看着学生彷徨的表情,认真地说:“3天后我再告诉你。”  3天后,爱因斯坦如约而至。闵可夫斯基兴冲冲地对他说:“走,我带你去看答案!”不一会儿,老师带着爱因斯坦来到一处建筑工地,指着眼前说:“