借力微视频 拓新习作路

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提起习作,多数学生可能都比较头疼。尤其对于当前的小学生而言,经历不多,素材积累不够,习作学习更是一大难题。将微视频引入小学习作课堂开启了习作教学的新模式。小学教学中的习作课堂是培养学生语言运用方面的一大有力工具,同时也是小学教学的重点和难点,也越发被重视。本文依据现有的微视频引入模式,对微视频在习作中发挥更大作用进行了探讨。一、小学习作现状以及微视频应用(一)小学习作现状对于当下的小学生而言,他们更多时间是在家里看电视、 Most students may be in a headache when it comes to taking up assignments. Especially for the current primary school students, little experience, material accumulation is not enough, study and study is a big problem. The introduction of micro-video into primary school classrooms opens up a new paradigm of learning and teaching. The practice classroom in primary school teaching is a powerful tool in cultivating students’ language use. It is also the focus and difficulty of primary school teaching and is also increasingly valued. This article based on the existing micro-video introduction mode, the micro-video play a greater role in the study were discussed. First, the status quo of primary school work and micro-video applications (A) the status of primary school work For the current primary school students, they spend more time watching TV at home,
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