北京明十三陵是明代十三个皇帝的陵寝。始建于永乐七年(1409年营建长陵,到清顺治初年营建思陵),时间长达200多年。陵区内共埋葬了明代的十三位皇帝、二十三位皇后、一名贵妃和数十名殉葬宫人。此外还建有妃子坟墓七座,太监坟墓一座和行宫、苑囿等附属建筑,兆域面积达120余平方公里。 由于明十三陵珍贵的历史和文物价值,受到国家的高度重视,1961年公布为全国重点文物保护单位,1982年与八达岭同列为全国首批国家级重点风景名胜保护区,1991年被国家旅游局评为中国旅游胜地四十佳之一,1992年又被评为世界之最,即十三陵是世界上保存最完整、埋葬皇帝最多的古基葬群。
The Ming Tombs in Ming Dynasty were the tombs of the 13 emperors of the Ming Dynasty. Founded in Yongle seven years (built in 1409 in Changling, Shunzhi early Qing Dynasty built Siling), as long as 200 years. Thirteen emperors of the Ming Dynasty, twenty-three queens, a royal concubine, and dozens of sacrificial burial houses were buried in the Tomb. In addition, there are seven concubines grave, eunuch grave and palaces, Yuan 囿 and other ancillary buildings, trillion area of 120 square kilometers. As the Ming Dynasty Tombs precious historical and cultural relics value, by the state’s attention, published in 1961 as a national key cultural relics protection units, with the Badaling in 1982 with the same national first batch of national key scenic spots in 1991 by the national tourism Bureau as China’s top 40 tourist destination one of the best in 1992 and was named the world’s most, namely the Ming Tombs is the world’s most complete preservation, burial emperors most ancient burials.