东北三省五市城区预防保健体制 改革信息研讨会召开

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为深化卫生体制改革,进一步探讨防保体制改革的新路子,1988年8月29~31日在哈尔滨市道外区召开了东北三省五市城区防保体制改革第一次信息研讨会。会议回顾了几年来一市四区防系体制改革及防保工作管理等方面的经验和加强信息工作与交流的体会。共同回顾了建立预防保健中心以来所取得的可喜成绩。大家一致认为“防”字口实体合并后,设备专管共用,人员统一调配,财务统一管理,发挥了拳头优势,减少了层次,克服了弊端,有利于预防保健工作的开展。会议提出,搞好防保体制改革,必须做好以下几项工作:一是积极争取当地各级政府的领导和支持,这是搞好防保体制改革的关键。实践证明,凡是积极争取领导的,工作就能开展起来,而 In order to deepen the reform of the health system and further explore new ways for the reform of the prevention and control system, the first information seminar on the prevention and control system reform in the three cities of Northeast China was held in Daowai District of Harbin from August 29 to 31, 1988. The meeting reviewed the experiences of the four-region four-district defense system reform and management of prevention and protection work in the past few years, and reviewed the experience of strengthening information work and exchanges. Together, they reviewed the gratifying achievements that have been made since the establishment of a preventive health center. Everyone unanimously believed that after the “anti” word entity was merged, the equipment was specifically shared and the personnel were uniformly allocated and the financial unified management had played a fist advantage, reduced the level, overcome the drawbacks, and was conducive to the development of prevention and health work. The meeting pointed out that to do a good job in the reform of the prevention and control system, we must do the following: First, we must actively seek the leadership and support of local governments at all levels. This is the key to doing a good job of reforming the prevention and protection system. Practice has proved that if one is actively fighting for leadership, work can be carried out.