如果你想知道“九七”之前香港的社会心态,那么请看看长篇电视剧《花帜》吧! 由香港著名作家梁凤仪女士根据她的同名小说亲自改编的这部12集电视连续剧,犹如一部色彩斑斓的世态画卷,向我们展示了“九七”回归之前香港芸芸众生(特别是上层社会)的千姿百态和七情六欲。 这里有唯利是图、心狠手辣的金融巨头乔继琛,他竟然协助英资银行走资海外,企图在“九七”之前尽量搜刮香港股民的血汗钱,他还到处游说,鼓动西方国家干预香港事务,妄想把香港问题国际化,为“九七”回归设置障碍;他设下商
If you want to know the social mentality of Hong Kong before 1997, then please take a look at the “TV drama”, a full-length drama series. The 12-episode TV series personally adapted by Ms. Leung Fung Yee, a famous Hong Kong writer based on her novel of the same name, The picturesque colorful world shows us the diversity of forms and emotions of all living beings in Hong Kong (especially the upper classes) before the return of “1997”. Here is a mercenary and ruthless financial giant Qiaoji Chen. He even helped the British-funded banks to capitalize overseas in an attempt to sift through the hard-earned money of Hong Kong shareholders before 1997. He also lobbied everywhere to encourage Western countries to interfere in Hong Kong’s affairs, Internationalization of problems, setting up obstacles for the return of “1997”; he set up business