目的探讨分析采用脊椎开窗引流术助产臀位脑积水胎儿的临床效果。方法对我院收治的16例发生臀位脑积水胎儿妊娠患者,随机平分为脊椎开窗引流术助产组(A组)与穿颅术助产组(B组),对两组患者的手术效果资料进行回顾性对比分析。结果 A组患者手术后宫颈无裂伤、出血少、胎盘胎膜完整以及产道无损伤,且与B组相比产生的差异显著。结论使用脊椎开窗引流手术助产臀位脑积水胎儿对产妇伤害较小,安全可靠性高,值得临床上推广研究。
Objective To investigate the clinical effect of fetus hydronephrosis with spina bifida drainage by spondylolisthesis. Methods 16 cases of fetus with hydrocephalus of the breech of the fetus in our hospital were randomly divided into two groups: group A (mid-spine fenestration) and midwifery (group B) Surgical operative data were retrospectively analyzed. Results A group of patients with cervical surgery after no laceration, less bleeding, complete fetal membranes and birth canal intact, and compared with the B group produced significant differences. Conclusion The use of spine fenestration drainage midwifery hydrocephalus fetal breech less harm to maternal high safety and reliability, it is worth to promote clinical research.