Library development model of normalized transformation toward the comprehensive building of a modera

来源 :Journal of Library Science in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:modlong
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The years 2016 to 2020 will be an important historical period for library development which will present not only unique opportunities, but also risks and challenges, during which “transformational” development becomes a common feature for libraries around the world. In China, however, libraries should adjust their way of development, according to the national goal of comprehensively constructing a moderately prosperous society, determine their direction for proper development, integrate themselves into the mainstream of social and economic development of the country, and be part of the national strategic planning. Using surveys, case analysis, policy research, and comparative analysis, the authors analyze libraries’ normalized trend from 2016 to 2020, propose the concept of library normalized transformation development. The authors identify expectations of the society for libraries in terms of serving economic growth, raising development quality and efficiency, promoting cultural and social construction as well as ecological civilization under the national goal of comprehensively building a moderately prosperous society. The authors believe that Chinese libraries should respond to challenges in the new normal: slowing growth of investment and budget, demographic changes, the increasing competition from other institutions and emerging technologies, library administration, library staff and new technologies. Facing new societal expectations, libraries must actively seek new models for development by initiating new and innovative management methods and services, which the authors believe will have the following characteristics: connotative development, balanced development, improvement for people’s wellbeing, law-based regulation, and innovative development. The years 2016 to 2020 will be an important historical period for library development which will present not only unique opportunities, but also risks and challenges, which “transformational” development becomes a common feature for libraries around the world. In China, however , libraries should adjust their way of development, according to the national goal of comprehensively constructing a moderately prosperous society, determine their direction for proper development, integrate themselves into the mainstream of social and economic development of the country, and be part of the national strategic planning. Using surveys, case analysis, policy research, and comparative analysis, the authors analyze libraries’ normalized trend from 2016 to 2020, propose the concept of library normalized transformation development. The authors identify expectations of the society for libraries in terms of serving of economic growth, raising development quality and efficiency, promoting cultural an d social construction as well as ecological civilization under the national goal of comprehensively building a moderately prosperous society. The authors believe that Chinese libraries should respond to challenges in the new normal: slowing growth of investment and budget, demographic changes, the increasing competition from other institutions and emerging technologies, library administration, library staff and new technologies. Facing new societal expectations, libraries must not seek new models for development by initiating new and innovative management methods and services, which the authors believe will have the following characteristics: connotative development, balanced development, improvement for people’s wellbeing, law-based regulation, and innovative development.
米兰昆德拉、赫拉巴尔、卡大卡、德沃夏克、斯美塔那、小鼹鼠、伏尔塔瓦河、查理大桥、布拉格黄昏的广场……各种各样的名字汇集在一起,组成了捷克这个迷人的名字。 Milan K
按照UCP的规定,受益人在发票上应显示信用证规定的贸易术语,但在空运方式下规定贸易术语为FOB是否恰当,仍有待商榷。在国际商会的一次秋季例会上,ICC讨论了Document 470/TA.7