The flotation performance, mechanism of action and NaOL of deep oxidation of fatty acid MG-2 with carbonate gangue phosphate rock phosphate flotation collector were compared. Pure mineral tests show that MG-2 has better low temperature resistance and better harvesting power. In actual mineral flotation, MG-2 shows good selectivity. Single positive flotation closed-circuit test indicators: concentrate P2O5 content of 29.36%, tailings P2O5 content of 4.70%, P2O5 total recovery rate reached 88.49%, and achieved good indicators. The effects of temperature and drug concentration on the adsorption of MG-2 on the mineral surface were investigated by adsorption amount test, CMC value test and infrared spectroscopy. The results showed that MG-2 was mainly strongly chemisorbed on the surface of colloidal phosphate rock.