
来源 :旅游纵览(下半月) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qingfeng112233
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旅游业作为一项绿色产业,一方面有利于环境保护,一方面有利于提升经济,帮助促进当地就业,对国民经济有着越来越大的影响,尤其是当改革开放逐步深入,全面建设小康社会的今天,旅游业占国民生产总值的比重逐年增加,使得各地政府越来越关注旅游业及其发展状况,并投入了相当大的人力与物力在改善当地的旅游环境上,以便帮助引导当地旅游产业的发展,改善当地的经济。一、引言旅游业在当前社会的发展进程中得到了较快的发展,它作为一种新型发展产业在第三产业中作为了一种重要的力量。在 As a green industry, tourism, on the one hand, is conducive to environmental protection. On the other hand, tourism helps to promote the economy, helps promote local employment and has a greater and greater impact on the national economy. In particular, when the reform and opening up step by step and building an overall well-to-do society Today, the proportion of tourism in GNP has been increasing year by year, making governments in all regions pay more and more attention to the development of tourism industry and its development and devote considerable manpower and material resources to improving the local tourism environment in order to help guide local The development of tourism industry, improve the local economy. I. Introduction Tourism has enjoyed rapid development in the current social development process. As a new type of development industry, tourism industry has taken an important role in the tertiary industry. in
最近,一部形象地展示唐诗风骨宋词气韵的大型古典电视艺术片《唐风宋韵》,已由天津电视台、天津歌舞剧院和云南玉溪卷烟厂联合摄制完成并搬上荧幕。 这个被称为“巨大的文化