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邓小平同志指出:“一个政党,就怕听不到人民的声音,最可怕的是鸦雀无声。”人民群众的呼声是我们实行科学与民主决策的“第一信号”。反映人民群众呼声的“第一信号”有一条绿色通道。即人民群众信访工作。信访工作是体察社情民意的“寒暑表”、执行政策的“调节器”、听取群众意见的“民主窗”,更是检验党员领导干部思想作风的“试金石”,直接关系到党在人民群众心目中的形象和地位,关系到社会的稳定。党和政府的各级领导干部和工作人员应该而且必须站在“三个代表”的高度,认识和做好信访工作,认真倾听人民群众的呼声,深刻体察人民群众的疾苦,尽力消除人民群众的疑虑,努力维护人民群众的根本利益,用拳拳公仆心,增进新时期党员干部和人民群众的鱼水深情。 Comrade Deng Xiaoping pointed out: “The most terrible thing that a political party can not hear the voices of the people is the silence.” The voices of the people are the “first signs” of our decision-making in science and democracy. The “first signal” that reflects the voice of the people has a green channel. That is, people’s petition work. The work of letters and visits is a “cold table” that examines the social conditions and public opinions, the “regulator” of implementing policies, the “window of democracy” to listen to the opinions of the masses, and the “touchstone” to test the ideological style of the party’s leading cadres. This is directly related to the party’s understanding of the people’s minds In the image and status of the social stability. The leading cadres and staff members of the Party and government at all levels should and must stand on the heights of the “three represents,” recognize and handle letters and visits, listen carefully to the voices of the people, profoundly understand the hardships of the people and strive to eliminate people’s Doubts and endeavors to safeguard the fundamental interests of the masses of the people and to raise the humanitarianism of party members and cadres and the masses of the people in the new period by using the punches and public servants as their heart.
对南露天煤矿生产运输系统进行了分析,并根据现场实际建立运输网络系统,同时运用运筹学理论对最短路径进行了计算。 This paper analyzes the production and transportation
同志们,朋友们: 1964年京剧现代戏观摩演出大会今天开幕了。举行这样大规模的京剧现代戏观摩演出,还是第一次。这对京刷和戏曲界都是一件具有革命意义的大事。我热烈祝贺大
江泽民同志的“七一”重要讲话,对党的历史经验作了科学的总结。他指出,“八十年的实践启示我们,必须始终紧紧依靠人民群众,诚心诚意为人民谋利益,从人民群众中 Comrade Ji
80年风展红旗如画,80年峥嵘岁月如歌。在中国共产党80华诞到来之际,在伟大祖国的首都北京,一系列庆祝活动隆重举行,向党的生日献上了壮丽激荡的赞美诗章。 载着屈辱与抗争、
本文研究了利用 19F- NMR技术测定盐酸左氧氟沙星药物样品中氟的检测条件。优化了实验参数 ,选用三氟乙酸钠作内标 ,重水与去离子水混合液为溶剂。测定了对盐酸左氧氟沙星样