最近,一个新说法在企业界、知识界广泛流传,这就是有人倡议把每年的9月19日作为“诚信日”;为什么选择这个日子作为诚信日,就是借用“久又久’的谐音,热望我们国家“诚实守信”的传统美德继续发扬光大,源远流长,同时也表达了要把我国建设成为最讲信用的国家的决心。 我们国家太需要重塑诚实守信的社会风尚了。假名牌、假广告、假报道……让人一头雾水,心生含糊。市场虽大,消费者购物却缺乏安全感。小到一粒陈米的抛光,大到数亿资金的无法清还。确切地说,开门七件事,柴米油盐酱醋茶,每一样东西都让消费者品尝过假货;衣食住行,人生之必需,哪一样都有人在做搀杂使假的猫腻。 诚实守信——这一中华民族优秀文化的精华,伴随着市场经济的发展,和人们对金钱的贪婪,逐渐被冷冷地淡化了。言必信,行必果,人无信不立。这些祖训不能只停留在书本上。重新振作这一民族精神,在全社会形成诚实信用风气,成为有识之士的强烈呼声。 今年以来,全国政协委员、北京中西集团的董事长周晋峰一直在为策划“诚信日”奔走呼号,他所在的中西集团和外经贸部计算中心共同出资组建的中贸远大商务咨询公司,开发建立了中国第一家信用管理的专业网站——“信用中国” (www.credit.cn.com)。接下去又搞起信用担保公司,将信用投放市场,
Recently, a new argument has been widely circulated in the business community and the intellectual community. This is why some people propose that September 19 of each year should be regarded as the “day of good faith.” Why choose this day as the day of good faith means borrowing the homophonic “long and long” The traditional virtues of “honesty and trustworthiness” in our country continue to flourish and have a long history as a nation, at the same time, it also expresses our determination to build our country into the most credible country. Our country too needs to reshape the honest and trustworthy society .Fake brand names, fake advertisements, False reports ... people confused, vague heart .Although the market is large, but the lack of safety of consumer shopping.Small to a rice polished, as large as hundreds of millions of funds can not be repaid .Specifically, open the door Seven things, every day, every thing makes consumers taste fake goods, food and clothing, life’s necessities, which are all doing adulteration fake tricky. Honest and trustworthy - the essence of this excellent Chinese culture , Accompanied by the development of the market economy, and people’s greed for money, gradually desalination coldly .To be sure to believe, will be fruitless, people without confidence .This ancestral training can not stop at Books, reinvigorated this national spirit, the formation of an honest and trustworthy atmosphere in the society as a strong voice of people of insight this year, the CPPCC National Committee, Chairman of Beijing West Group Zhou Jinfeng has been planning for the “good faith day” rush call sign , Where he is located in China and the West Group and the Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Center set up jointly funded consulting firm CMB commerce to develop and set up China’s first professional credit management website - “Credit China” (www.credit.cn.com) Next up the credit guarantee company, put credit on the market,