采访网络小店的念头,始自SARS时期。当街头已是万人空巷,大家伙憋着劲大门不出二门不迈时,这个城市却有另外一片天空正在以如火如荼的交易刷新着历史。据易趣网报告:非典时期,几乎易趣网上所有的店铺交易量都比往日上升10%—50%!“都卖疯了!”——在易趣开店的小艺这样告诉我。 于是,在SARS过了的这个初夏,我终于按捺不住心中的好奇,尝试了一把易趣之旅。 为了成就一个更为真实与充实的选题,我选择了“当回洋葱头”——登陆易趣页面,在琳琅满目的商品中看花了眼,最终敲定一件68元的裙裙,心想着,就算被骗了,穿着不合适扔了也不可惜。然后兴
Interview network shop idea, from the SARS period. When the streets are full of people, big guys do not hold out the door when the second door is not stepping stone, there is another sky in the city is in full swing to refresh the history of the transaction. According to the eBay report: During the SARS period, almost all eBay online store transactions have risen 10% -50% from the previous day! “All sell crazy!” - Little Elysian opened the shop so tell me. So, in the early summer after the SARS, I finally could not suppress the curiosity in my heart and tried a trip to eBay. In order to achieve a more real and fulfilling topic, I chose “when the onion” - landing eBay page, in the array of goods to spend the eye, the final finalize a $ 68 skirt, thinking , Even if fooled, wearing inappropriate throwing is not a pity. Then Xing