患者女 ,2 5岁。因咽异物感 1个月、呼吸不畅半个月入院。 1个月前感冒后咽部不适 ,有异物感 ,发现左咽部有大拇指肚大小肿物 ,此后迅速长大至鸡卵大小。半个月前出现走路及上楼后气急 ,睡眠时打鼾并偶有憋醒现象 ,伴有轻微咽痛 ,偶有进食及饮水呛咳 ,轻度呼吸困难 ,于门诊病理
Female patient, 25 years old. 1 year due to foreign body sensation, poor breathing half a month admitted to hospital. A month ago, after a cold flu throat discomfort, foreign body sensation, found that the left pharyngeal thumb belly size tumor, then quickly grow up to the size of chicken eggs. Half a month ago, there was a shortness of breath after walking and going upstairs, snoring during sleep, occasional arousal, minor sore throat, occasional eating and drinking cough, mild dyspnea, and outpatient pathology