南平里村水库为粘土心墙堆石坝,坝高36米,坝长132米,集雨面积7.5平方公里,总库容507万方,正常库容410万方,干渠长3.3公里,渠首流量0.7立米/秒。二级电站前池位于干渠末端,压力管道总长736.2米,管内直径49厘米,钢管厚从8—16毫米,总水头392米,装机3×400千瓦,年发电442万度,年利用3530小时。(里村水库二级电站压力管道地形图) 初步设计时曾对电站厂房、前池和压力管道线进行过踏勘比较;选定了现在的位置。厂
Nanping Lizhong Reservoir is a clay core rockfill dam with a dam height of 36 meters and a dam length of 132 meters. The rain catchment area is 7.5 km 2 with a total storage capacity of 5.07 million cubic meters and a normal storage capacity of 4.1 million cubic meters. The main channel is 3.3 kilometers long with a flow of 0.7 cubic meters /second. The former pool of the second-level power station is located at the end of the trunk canal. The total length of the pressure pipeline is 736.2 meters, the diameter of the pipe is 49 cm, the thickness of the steel pipe is 8-16 mm, the total water head is 392 meters, the installed capacity is 3 × 400 kW and the annual power generation is 4.42 million degrees. (Lizcun reservoir secondary power station pressure pipeline topography) preliminary design had power plants, the former pool and pressure pipeline line reconnaissance comparison; selected the current location. plant