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在我国很多省、自治区特别是边疆和沿海省、自治区的档案馆中,保存着为数众多的少数民族文字档案和外文档案。这是我国一笔珍贵的历史文化遗产。 我国自古以来就是一个统一的多民族国家,具有悠久的历史和文化。50多个民族中,有10多个民族历史上曾有文字。有的少数民族还曾经统治过中国或建立过地方政权,这样就形成了大量的用少数民族文字书写的历史档案。源远流长的中国文化,是由各民族共同创造而成的,而少数民族文字在记载中华民族的历史上,更有其不可磨灭的贡献,曾经谱写过光辉的篇章。 据不完全统计,中国第一历史档案馆保存着近200万件(册)的清代中央政府满文档案,内蒙古自治区各档案馆保存着20多万卷的蒙文档案与数万卷的满文档案,西藏自治区档案馆保存着多达300万件(册)的藏文档案,新疆维吾尔自治区各档案馆存有数万卷用维、哈文字写成的“三区革命”历史档案,东北三省档案馆各存有数万卷(册)清代地方行政机构的满文档案,其他如云南、四川、青海等省也都保存着数量不等的蒙、藏、哈萨克、彝、纳西、傣等 In many provinces and autonomous regions in our country, especially in the archives of frontier and coastal provinces and autonomous regions, there are a large number of ethnic minority archives and foreign archives preserved. This is a precious historical and cultural heritage of our country. Since ancient times, our country is a unified multi-ethnic country with a long history and culture. More than 50 of the more than 50 ethnic groups have written history. Some ethnic minorities also ruled over China or established local governments, thus creating a large number of historical archives written in minority languages. The long history of Chinese culture is created by all ethnic groups together, and the minority languages ​​have more indelible contributions in the history of the Chinese nation. They have written brilliant chapters. According to incomplete statistics, China’s first historical archives preserved nearly 2 million copies of the Manchu archives of the Qing government, and more than 200,000 volumes of Mongolian archives and tens of thousands of archives were kept in archives in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Document, the Tibet Autonomous Region archives hold as many as 3 million copies of the Tibetan file, the archives of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region there are tens of thousands of volumes stored in peacekeeping, Ha word written in the “three revolutions” history files, the three northeastern provinces There are tens of thousands of volumes in the archives (volumes) of Manchu archives of local administrative organs in the Qing Dynasty. Other provinces such as Yunnan, Sichuan and Qinghai also hold a number of provinces such as Mongolia, Tibet, Kazak, Yi, Naxi and Dai etc.
本文根据《植物标本馆索引》(Index Herbariorum)第八版(1990年)收载的信息,将目前国内外大型植物标本馆(空)的最新资料作简单介绍。参加新版《索引》注册的有147个国家(或
一 中国档案工作从1966年起,遭受了12年的破坏和停顿之后,于70年代末、80年代初进入丁恢复建设。档案学研究也同时开始复苏,走上重新发展的道路。在那恢复后的头几年里,已可