背景资料MLC(Microsoft Authorized Windows Learning Center——微软授权视窗应用学习中心)对于一些人来讲,可能还是一个比较陌生的字眼。追根溯源.其实MLC也有着历史悠久的前身——ATC(微软授权培训中心)。ATG项目在国内发展至今虽然已得到众多合作伙伴和业界的认可,但随着市场需求的不断变化和用户需求的逐级提升,ATC项目已经不能符合整个微软培训行业的发展趋势。为了进一步提高微软认证培训的质量,更好地维护培训品牌,拓展培训新领域,为培训伙伴创造更多的商业机会和更大的市场价值,微软(中国)有限公司决定于2002年7月1日起终止ATC项目,同时开展新的培训项目——MLC。
Background information MLC (Microsoft Authorized Windows Learning Center - Microsoft authorized Windows Application Learning Center) for some people may be a strange word. In fact, MLC also has a long history of predecessor - ATC (Microsoft Authorized Training Center). Although the ATG project has been approved by many partners and the industry so far, the ATC project can no longer meet the development trend of the entire Microsoft training industry as the market demand is constantly changing and the user needs are progressively upgraded. In order to further improve the quality of Microsoft certification training, better maintain training brand, expand new training fields and create more business opportunities and greater market value for training partners, Microsoft (China) Co., Ltd. decided in July 2002 1 From the date of termination of ATC projects, while carrying out a new training project - MLC.