秋季水温适宜,是鳜鱼的生长旺季,抓住这一有利时机,强化管理措施,对促进鳜鱼生长、提高鳜鱼规格、改善鳜鱼品质、增加养殖效益等方面、都有着重要作用。 一、合理控制池塘内鱼类的密度 鳜鱼养殖池内一般放养三类鱼:鳜鱼、搭配鱼类、供鳜鱼摄食的饵料鱼类。合理控制三类鱼在池内的比例,有利于鳜鱼产量的提高。经过前一阶段的养殖,部分大规格鱼种已长成成鱼,达到上市规格,抓
Appropriate autumn water temperature is the growth season of catfish, to seize this favorable opportunity to strengthen management measures to promote the growth of catfish, catfish specifications to improve, improve the quality of catfish, raising breeding benefits and so on, all play an important role. I. Rational control of the density of fish in ponds The three types of fish in catfish breeding ponds are generally stocked with catfish, fish and bait fish for catfish feeding. Reasonable control of the proportion of three types of fish in the pool is conducive to the increase of catfish production. After the previous stage of breeding, some large-sized fish species have grown into fish, reaching the market specifications, catch