《湖南农业》已伴我走过了18年。这18年,我是每年必订,每期必读,并将《湖南农业》按年度装成合订本。以便保存。 我1979年7月高中毕业后回到家乡从事民办教育工作。那时教学之余要忙于种田、种地,可传统的种植方式很难提高产量。正苦于找不到良策时,1983年4月,乡农技员来我校传授杂交水稻高产栽培技
Hunan Agriculture has been with me for 18 years. In these 18 years, I am obligated to make an annual compulsory reading each issue and put “Hunan Agriculture” into a booklet on an annual basis. In order to save. After graduating from high school in July 1979, I returned home to engage in private education. At that time I was busy teaching farming, farming, traditional farming methods is difficult to increase production. In the midst of being unable to find a good solution, in April 1983, a rural agricultural technician came to our school to teach high-yielding hybrid rice cultivation techniques