选择发病前已检测过血脂、血压、身高、体重等现患CHD 病人56例,按1:2配比进行病例对照研究,结果表明高血压、高胆固醇血症及大量吸烟是CHD 的危险因素。高血压与CHD 的联系强度最大,其次为高胆固醇血症,再次为大量吸烟。高血压与高胆固醇血症并存对CHD 有协同促进作用。
56 CHD patients with blood-fat, blood pressure, height and weight were selected before the onset of disease. A case-control study of 1: 2 CHD patients was conducted. The results showed that hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and smoking were the risk factors for CHD. Hypertension with the highest intensity of contact with CHD, followed by hypercholesterolemia, again for a large number of smoking. Hypertension and hypercholesterolemia co-exist on the role of CHD synergistic.