坚持传承 鼓励创新 搭建学术交流新平台

来源 :中华显微外科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:doto
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为谋划显微外科进一步普及与提高的举措,《中华显微外科杂志》坚持传承,鼓励创新,搭建学术交流新平台,创办中国显微外科传承与创新论坛,重点打造显微外科学术交流的新品牌;着力培养致力于显微外科一线工作的中、青年骨干,发现新人、培育骨干、壮大队伍、造福人民;积极参与国内外学术交流,加强与国际同行的合作;为创办有中国特色的国际化杂志不懈努力。为中国显微外科事业可持续发展出力,为中国显微外科走向世界、融入世界学术大家庭添彩。“,”In order to further popularization and promotion of microsurgery, n Chinese Journal of Microsurgery, insisting on inheritance and encouraging innovation, has built a new academic communication platform——Chinese Microsurgery Inheritance and Innovation Forum. Basing on this platform, we focus on creating a new brand for micro-surgery academic communication, devote to cultivate a core of young-and-middle-aged microsurgeons working on the front line and look for potential talents to strengthen the team and benefit patients, participate in academic communications actively at home and abroad and reinforce international cooperation, and make unremitting efforts to establish an international magazine with Chinese characteristics. Still, we are striving to make Chinese microsurgery sustainably develop, move toward the world and integrate into the world academic family.n