
来源 :保险研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:musicwen5918
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保险公司经常遇到公安、检察机关或法院要求协助执行投保人保险费的情形。保险合同不同于客户在银行存款的合同。银行存款合同中存款所有权始终归存款人,而投保人交付的保险费的所有权依据合同转移给保险人。司法机关要求保险公司协助执行时,必须确认债务人在保险公司有合法债权。保险公司在协助司法机构执行时,只有在熟悉相关法律法规、熟知基本事实的基础上,有理有据地进行积极抗辩和有效沟通,才能最大限度地维护保险公司和保险共同体的利益,从而更好地为广大客户服务。 Insurance companies often encounter the situation of public security, prosecutors or courts asking for assistance in implementing the policyholders’ insurance premiums. Insurance contracts differ from the customer’s contract for bank deposits. The ownership of the deposit in the bank deposit contract always belongs to the depositor and the ownership of the premium paid by the policyholder is transferred to the insurer in accordance with the contract. When the judiciary requires the insurance company to assist in enforcement, it must confirm that the debtor has a legal claim on the insurance company. When assisting the judiciary, insurers can only defend the interests of insurance companies and insurance communities to the best extent if they are familiar with the relevant laws and regulations and are familiar with the basic facts and conduct defensive and effective communication in a rational and rational manner. For the majority of customer service.
听说黄豆发芽的实验可有趣了,我就迫不及待地想做一做。  我精心挑选了三四十颗饱满的干黄豆,用白瓷碗把它们浸没在凉水里。  等到了第二天一看,干黄豆的身子膨胀了起来,变得胖乎乎的,里面的两片豆瓣好像要撑破薄薄的豆衣似的。  妈妈让我把水全部倒掉,又找来一块湿黑布,蒙在这些胖黄豆上面。  我奇怪地问妈妈:“为什么蒙住黃豆呀?”妈妈笑着告诉我:“遮住光线,既可以防止水份蒸发,还可以防止豆芽见到光线发青。
迈克是在写一份情报时被人从背后袭击的,第二天被人发现时,写字台上的台灯还亮着。  这是没有启动器的老式日光灯,写字台上放着的一只手电筒还亮着。据调查,这栋大楼昨晚从十点钟起,停了大约半小时的电,看样子迈克是在停电时被害的。警察看了现场后却说他是在来电之后被人所害。  你仔细察看现场,就会明白警长为什么会这样说。
艺术家Ruby Silvious从丢弃的茶叶包中找到了灵感。每次喝完茶后,他都会把茶叶包一一晾干,然后根据茶叶包的形状,在上面绘制出细致的插画。有了这些泛黄的茶渍的衬托,画作更透出别样的韵味。  (内容选自:http://mt.sohu.com/20160717/n459609169.shtml)  小编有话:  有时候,废弃的垃圾可能会变成艺术品,你随手丢掉的可能就是灵感!