传承中华传统文化 提升治国理政新境界

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中华文化源远流长,蕴含着丰富的精神和道德资源,孕育了中华民族的宝贵人文品格。治理好今天的中国,需要对我国历史和传统文化有深入了解,也需要对我国古代治国理政的探索和智慧进行积极总结。推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化,要大力培育和弘扬社会主义核心价值观。要坚守我们的核心价值观,就必须发挥文化的作用,要加强对中华优秀传统文化的发掘和阐发。 Chinese culture has a long history, contains a wealth of spiritual and moral resources, gave birth to the Chinese people’s valuable humanistic character. To properly handle China today, we need to have a deep understanding of our history and traditional culture. We also need to make a positive summary of the exploration and wisdom of our country’s governing state affairs in ancient times. To promote the national governance system and the modernization of governance capacity, we must vigorously cultivate and promote the socialist core values. To uphold our core values, we must play a cultural role and strengthen the exploration and elaboration of the fine traditional Chinese culture.
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