国营农场实行干部聘任制,笔者认为需要切实抓好以下十个环节: 一、要做好聘用前的准备工作一是根据工作需要,按照精简、效能、克服官僚主义的要求,确立机构设置及各责任岗位的人数,保持适当的职工比例;二是将农场的各项经济指标和工作任务分解到各科室和下属单位,明确工作目标和职责范围;三是制定好各岗位的聘用条件。二、要广泛地进行宣传教育宣传实行干部聘任制的目的意义、聘用干部的条件、干部聘用的基本做法,宣传广大职工在实行干部聘用制中的责任和作用,使全场各级组织、全体职工都积极关注、理解和支持这项重大改革,形成一个群众性的举贤荐能的热潮,
First, we must do a good job preparatory work before hiring First, according to work needs, in accordance with the streamlining, efficiency, to overcome the bureaucratic requirements, the establishment of institutions and the establishment of The number of responsible positions to maintain the appropriate proportion of employees; the second is to decompose the various economic indicators and tasks of the farm to departments and subordinate units, a clear job objectives and responsibilities; the third is to develop conditions for employment of various positions. Second, it is necessary to carry out a wide range of publicity and education to promote the implementation of the purpose of the appointment system of cadres, the conditions for hiring cadres, and the basic practices of hiring cadres, and promote the responsibility and role of the vast numbers of staff and workers in implementing the system of hiring cadres so that all levels of organizations, Employees are actively concerned about, understand and support this major reform, the formation of a mass of Yin Yin recommended energy boom,