This is the June 19 Beijing weather forecast: overcast overcast or thunderstorms cloudy during the day “Lead language ”: thunderstorms send cool out with rain gear. Cloudy with showers in the morning, with a temperature of 18 to 21 ℃ in the north, with temperatures ranging from 18 to 21 ℃. During the day there are cloudy showers or thunderstorms and cloudy skies. The north winds have 23 levels and the highest temperature is 26 ℃. The nighttime cloudy skies and the minimum temperature is 17 ℃ . Rainy summer, stop the pace of temperature rise, Shuang da da have wood? But remember with umbrella Oh. It is in this atmosphere of a weather, audio and video annual event CIT2015 China Video Integration Technology Exhibition grand opening in Beijing National Convention Center.