针对0Cr17Ni4Cu4Nb不锈钢锻造生产过程中产生的锻造裂纹,对原材料和锻造工艺进行分析发现,产生裂纹的主要原因是由于材料内部组织中的δ铁素体含量超过一定量时,会极大地降低材料的锻造塑性,使得变形抗力增大;当变形量逐渐增加到一定量时,裂纹开始出现,并且随着变形量的增加裂纹越来越严重。研究结果表明,在使用该材料时,需要对原材料进行铁素体含量检查并加以控制,铁素体含量要求<20%,符合CB/T 1209—1992 F7级以上标准,保证该材料良好的热加工工艺塑性;毛坯粗糙度要求达到Ra=1.6~0.8μm以上,预热锻造工具,严格控制每一火次的锻造变形量,以满足锻件的设计和质量要求。
Forging cracks in 0Cr17Ni4Cu4Nb stainless steel forging production process, analysis of raw materials and forging process found that the main reason for the crack is due to the internal structure of the material δ ferrite content exceeds a certain amount, it will greatly reduce the forging of materials Plastic deformation, making the deformation resistance increases; when the amount of deformation increased to a certain amount, the crack began to appear, and as the amount of deformation increased cracks more and more serious. The results show that when the material is used, the ferrite content of the raw materials needs to be checked and controlled. The ferrite content is less than 20% and meets the CB / T 1209-1992 F7 grade standard to ensure good heat of the material Processing plasticity; Roughness requirements of roughing Ra = 1.6 ~ 0.8μm above, preheating forging tools, strict control of each fire forging deformation, to meet the design and quality requirements forgings.