中国加入WTO指日可待,我国企业将面临新的机遇和挑战。如何迎接“入世”的挑战?对此,各行各业都在多角度地进行研究与探讨。作者认为企业要从容应对挑战,在国际市场占有一席这地并有所发展,必须抓住机遇,积极做好应对准备。 一、观念准备 正确认识“入世”面临的机遇和挑战,是企业制度正确应对措施的基础和前提。而观念更新、观念突破、观念超越,是做好应对“入世”挑战准备工作的首要任务。
Since China's accession to the WTO is just around the corner, Chinese enterprises will face new opportunities and challenges. How to meet the challenge of “joining the WTO?” In this regard, all walks of life are conducting research and discussion from many angles. The author believes that enterprises should calmly deal with the challenges, occupy a place in the international market and develop, we must seize the opportunity to actively prepare to deal with. I. Concept Preparation The correct understanding of the opportunities and challenges China faces after joining the WTO is the basis and premise for the correct response to the enterprise system. The concept update, concept breakthrough and concept surpassing are the primary tasks to be well prepared for the challenge of “joining the WTO.”