进一步推动“三转” 提高履行监督职责能力

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5月19日,中共中央政治局常委、中央纪委书记王岐山出席纪检监察机关“转职能、转方式、转作风”专题研讨班并讲话,要求纪检监察机关深化“三转”工作,聚焦党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争,紧紧围绕监督执纪问责,全面提高履职能力。围绕学习领会、贯彻落实王岐山同志的讲话精神,我谈三点具体意见。进一步深化认识统一思想深化认识,统一思想,是抓好落实的前提。必须先转思想,思想不转,“三转”很可能是虚转、空转。要把思想认识统一到王歧山同志的讲话精神上来,深刻认识到“三转”是职责所在、形势 On May 19, Wang Qishan, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, attended the seminar on discipline inspection and supervision and held a seminar on “changing functions, changing modes and working style.” He demanded that the discipline inspection and supervision organs deepen the “three-turn” work Focusing on the building of a clean government and the fight against corruption, closely followed the accountability and responsibility of supervision and discipline administration and comprehensively improved the ability to perform duties. Around learning and comprehending and implementing the spirit of Comrade Wang Qishan’s speech, let me talk about three specific points of view. Further deepening understanding of unification, deepening understanding and unifying thinking are the preconditions for a good implementation. Must first turn thinking, thinking does not turn, “Three turn ” is likely to be imaginary, idling. We must unify our thinking and understanding with Comrade Wang Qishan’s speech and profoundly realize that “the three transitions” is where our responsibilities lie. The situation
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