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雄踞京华,两甲子沧桑砥砺弦歌壮;誉满五洲,百廿载乐育菁莪桃李芳。2016年9月,北京交通大学将迎来建校120周年华诞!抚今追昔,我们不禁心潮澎湃、感慨万千,回首120年的风雨路,我们因光辉的科研历程和丰硕的科研成果而倍感欣慰,并深深感念长期以来所有关心和支持北京交通大学建设与发展的各级领导、校友以及社会各界人士,在此,谨向你们致以最诚挚的 Dominating Jinghua, two Jiazi vicissitudes cast their strings song Zhuang; Yu-continents, hundreds of music education cape Li Tao Fang. September 2016, Beijing Jiaotong University will usher in the 120th anniversary of Founding of School! Thanks to the past, we can not help but feel the upsurge of emotion and emotion. Looking back over 120 years of rainy weather, we are grateful for the glorious scientific research and rich scientific research. , And deeply appreciate all the leaders, alumni and people from all walks of life who have long been concerned and supported in the construction and development of Beijing Jiaotong University. Hereby, I would like to extend my sincere and sincere thanks to all of you
Jill Stuart    Jill Stuart的女孩向来以甜美而著称,似乎有很长时间,她们都是这么干的,以至于让我们有种错觉,Jill Stuart只能甜美,不能有别的尝试!本季设计师便带着她的同样贵为设计帅的母亲和同事的女儿,一同为我们展示了一个不太一样的Jill Stuart系列,我想热衷于甜美风格的女孩,并不会因为这个而离开她,她们只会把这个作为穿插的的调剂。对Jill Stuart的