这是发生在两个同病相怜的失业者之间的对话——橄榄球明星特雷尔·欧文斯(Terrell Owens)和篮球明星阿伦·艾弗森(Allen Iverson)现在都在为找工作而烦恼。欧文斯目前在洛杉矶的一所高中兼职,可他的内心深处一直等待着NFL球队向自己抛出橄榄枝,而他之前的服药自杀事件也让人不敢对他抱太大希望。而离开NBA一年后的艾弗森也表示自己能够接受替补的角色了,在雅虎的采访中,他说自己现在“在等待一支球队的帮助和一个表现的舞台”。而现在看来,艾弗森已经为自己找准了目标。据《波士顿环球报》报道,艾弗森的经纪人格雷·摩尔透露了艾弗森最渴望加盟的球队,而这支球队不是其他,正是素有收集老迈球星传统的绿军波士顿凯尔特人。“关于回归NBA的事情,我已经和艾弗森有过很多次交流,”摩尔说,“很显然只要他愿意,还是会有很多
It’s a conversation that takes place among two like-minded unemployed - rugby star Terrell Owens and basketball star Allen Iverson are all worrying about finding a job now. Owens is currently part-time at a high school in Los Angeles, but his heart is still waiting for the NFL team to give himself an olive branch, and his previous drug suicide has made him too hopeless. Iverson, who left the NBA a year later, said he is ready to take the backup role, and in an interview with Yahoo! he said he is ”waiting for a team to help and a stage for performance.“ And now it seems that Iverson has set the target for himself. According to the Boston Globe report, Iverson’s agent Gray Moore revealed Iverson’s most eager to join the team, and this team is not the other, it is known as the collection of veteran players in the traditional Green Army Boston Celtics. ”I’ve had many conversations with Iverson on the return to the NBA, “ Moore said. ”Obviously he will still have a lot more if he wants