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在1919年的五四运动中,周恩来是天津学生界的主要领导人之一.为了指导天津学生的反帝爱国运动,1919年7月21日,由周恩来主编的《天津学生联合会报》创刊.创刊号上,周恩来发表了《革新,革心》的社论,提出了改造社会和自觉改造思想的主张.此后,他以飞飞的笔名,写了很多文章,宣传新思潮,报道与评论国内外时事和全国学生运动.9月21日,《天津学生联合会报》发至62号,因其指导革命青年进行反帝反军阀的斗争,遭北洋军阀警察厅的干涉,被迫停刊.10月7日复刊.1920年初终刊.1920年1月20日,由周恩来主编的觉悟社社刊《觉悟》出版.创刊号上的《觉悟》与《觉悟的宣言》为周恩来撰写.《觉悟》以唤起学生的觉悟,寻求改造社会之途径为宗旨.因遭军阀政府迫害,第二期未能付印. In the May Fourth Movement of 1919, Zhou Enlai was one of the major leaders in Tianjin’s student community.In order to guide the anti-imperialist patriotic movement of Tianjin students, on July 21, 1919, the “Tianjin Student Union” On the first issue of the magazine, Zhou Enlai published an editorial entitled “Innovation and Revolution,” proposing the idea of ​​reforming society and consciously remoulding his ideas. Since then he has written many articles with Fei Fei’s pen name to promote new ideas, reports and comments both at home and abroad Current affairs and the National Student Movement On September 21, the “Tianjin Student Union Journal” was sent to No. 62 for being forced to stop publication because of its efforts to guide the revolutionary youth in the struggle against imperialism and anti-warlordism and was interfered by the Northern Warlords’ Police Agency. January 7, 1920. The final issue was published in early 1920. The final issue was published in early 1920. January 20, 1920, published by the magazine Enlightenment magazine by Zhou Enlai, was written by Zhou Enlai on the first issue of “Consciousness” and “Statement of Consciousness.” “Consciousness” The enlightenment of students and the way of seeking social reform, the second phase failed to be printed due to persecution by the warlord government.