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人们在电影或电视剧中.通常可以看到战斗机着陆滑出跑道后,在指定区域关车.飞行人员走下飞机.地勤人员用牵引车将飞机牵引至加油区(站).给飞机加油,进行常规机务检查,然后牵引至挂弹区挂载弹药,再将飞机牵引至充气区,进行充氧气、冷气.一切维护就绪,最后将飞机牵引至起飞线停机坪.这个过程就是飞机再次出动地面准备.可以简称为“加、拄、填、充”四个字,不过在地面准备时间长会减少战斗机的出动率.影响作战使用。 People in a movie or television series usually can see the fighter landing on the runway landing, the designated area off the flight crew to leave the aircraft ground crew tractor aircraft will be towed to the refueling area (station) to refuel the aircraft to carry out Routine maintenance and then towed to the loading area to load the ammunition, and then the aircraft towed to the inflatable area, for oxygen, air conditioning. All maintenance is ready, and finally the aircraft towed to the take-off line apron.This process is the aircraft once again dispatched ground preparation Can be simply referred to as “plus, Zhu, fill, charge ” four words, but preparing for a long time on the ground will reduce the mobilization rate of fighters, affecting operational use.
英国教育部近期在其网站发表文章,总结了2011年迄今就推动继续教育与职业教育发展而出台的相关政策,并提出将继续加大力度提高继续教育与职业教育的教学质量。  2011年3月,英国教育部与英国商业、创新与技能部共同发布了14~19岁青年学生职业技能教育情况报告,并就如何发展职业教育提出建议:改变现有的继续教育与职业教育学校的生均拨款方式,让此类教育机构获得更多生源并扩大影响力;着力提升学徒制项目的质量