100 years ago on July 14, to commemorate the 100th birthday of the French bourgeois revolution, the tower designed by Eiffel sprang up. From then on it became a symbol of France. While the Bastille Opera House is the gist of the 200th anniversary of the French people today dedicated to the great revolution. The philosophical French people call it “the second Eiffel Tower” and “another milestone in Paris.” Its designer, Carl Rose, is Called Eiffel second. Bastille Opera House is located in the 17th district of Paris, Place de la Bastille. Two hundred years ago it was the symbol of the authoritarian rule of Louis XVI - the seat of the Bastille. On July 14, 1789, Parisian people took up the jail with their arms and declared the French bourgeois revolution began. Later, the French made July 14 the National Day.