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据磁性地层研究,并借助于同位素年龄测定和河谷地貌研究资料,库车河第三系可划分为(自老而新)库姆格列木群、苏雅依组、吉迪克组、康村组、库车组和西域组,第四系可划分为坎村组、乌苏群、新疆群和全新统,结合塔里木盆地及周缘的实际情况将第四系下限暂置于1.6MaB.P.,上、下第三系的分界时限为24.0MaB.P According to the study of magnetic stratigraphy and by means of isotopic dating and study of valley and landforms, the Kuqahe Tertiary can be divided into (from old to new) Kummel Lieutenant, Suyayei Formation, Jidike Formation, Kang Village Group, Kuche Group and Western Group, the Quaternary can be divided into the Kemura Formation, Wusu Group, Xinjiang Group and Holocene, combined with the actual situation in the Tarim Basin and the Quaternary lower limit temporarily placed at 1.6MaB. P. , The upper and lower Tertiary demarcation time limit of 24.0MaB. P
1月28日,QSC公司宣布,公司旗下的TouchMix系列紧凑型数字调音台,PLD系列功率放大器,以及K系列和AcousticPerformance?系列扬声器等多个产品在2014年阿纳海姆(Anaheim)举行的冬季NAMM展上分别荣获多个行业大奖。  全新QSC TouchMix系列紧凑型数字调音台荣获两项展会最佳产品奖,这两个奖项分别由the NAMM 大学/UpBeat(NAMM Show