为加快黄金梨品种的繁育速度,我们在昌邑市农业科技园自动化温室内进行了穴盘播种育苗试验,取得了一些成功经验,实现了当年栽植,当年出成品大苗的目的。现把主要技术措施介绍如下,供大家参考。 一、梨种子的贮藏 把山梨或杜梨种子倒入盛水的桶中,不断搅拌去除漂浮的秕粒。梨种在水中浸泡24小时后取出,与湿沙混匀(沙子湿度以手握成团而不滴水为准,沙子和种子的比例为3:1)。在地势平坦处挖一深80cm、宽80cm的沟,长度视种量而定,把混匀的沙和种子放入沟中,距地面约20cm左右。然后覆土并将地面培成丘状,以防止雪水渗入。
In order to speed up the breeding of Golden Pear breed, we conducted plug seedling nurturing experiments in the automatic greenhouse of Agricultural Science and Technology Park in Changyi City, and achieved some successful experiences and achieved the purpose of planting the large plum seedlings. The main technical measures are introduced below, for your reference. First, the pear seed storage Yamanashi or Pyrus seed into the bucket of water, stirring constantly remove the floating tablets. Pear species are soaked in water for 24 hours before being removed and mixed well with wet sand (the moisture content of the sand is graded without dripping, with a sand to seed ratio of 3: 1). Dig a deep 80cm, 80cm wide ditch in flat terrain, depending on the length, mix the sand and seeds into the ditch, about 20cm above the ground. Then cover the soil and mound the ground to prevent the infiltration of snow water.