全国市属高校学报研究会2003年年会于10月24日—28日在广东省韶关学院召开,来自全国的57名代表出席了会议。会议的议题一是评奖并进行表彰,二是进行学术交流活动。 中国人文社科学报研究会理事长、北京大学学报主编龙协涛教授回顾了近年来全国高校学报的工作,并对今后的发展思路作了介绍;《高等学校文科学术文摘》杂志社执行总编姚申教授介绍了该刊
The National Association of University Journals 2003 Annual Conference was held on October 24-28 in Shaoguan University, Guangdong Province. 57 representatives from all over the country attended the conference. The first issue of the conference was awards and recognition, the second is academic exchange activities. Chinese Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research Association, Peking University Journal editor Professor Long Xietao review of the work of the national university journals in recent years, and the development of the future made an introduction; “Liberal Arts Academic Abstracts” magazine executive editor Professor Yao Shen introduced the magazine