本文共记载了发生在山西园林植物上的真菌病害11 种, 并对其症状、病原及分布作了详细描述。所报道的11 种真菌病害分别寄生在6 科9 属9 种寄主植物上, 其中8 种为国内寄主新纪录( 标记为* ) 。所有标本均保存于山西农业大学植物真菌病害标本室
In this paper, 11 species of fungal diseases occurred in Shanxi garden plants were recorded, and their symptoms, pathogens and distribution were described in detail. The 11 fungal diseases reported were parasitized on 9 host families of 9 genera, 6 families, of which 8 were new records of domestic hosts (marked as *). All specimens were preserved in Shanxi Agricultural University plant fungal disease specimens room