一日,雨过天晴,准备次日清晨到河边碰碰运气。 晚间,细心检查了渔具,配好了鱼饵。夜已深了,把闹钟的时针拨到凌晨5点整,躺下来左右反侧,久久难以入睡。竿儿、线儿、钩儿、网儿……从脑海里过了一遍又一遍,忽忽悠悠入了梦乡……只见水中的红点漂儿一动一动,慢慢地沉了下去,急忙用手腕一抖钓竿……隐隐约约觉得两只脚弹蹬了一下,床也在吱吱作响。矇矇眬眬听到了闹钟的铃声,揉揉眼,便慌慌张张地穿着起来,轻手轻
On the 1st, it was sunny and ready for a lucky ride to the river in the early morning of the next day. In the evening, carefully check the fishing gear, with a good bait. The night has been deep, the alarm clock dial allocated 5 am, lay down around the opposite side, a long time difficult to fall asleep. Children, line children, hook children, net children ... ... From the mind over and over again, suddenly 忽悠 into dreams ... ... I saw the red dot drift in the water a move, slowly sank, hurried wrist A flick of fishing rod ... ... vaguely felt two feet pedal a bit, the bed is creaking. Meng Meng 眬 眬 heard the alarm clock ringing, rubbing his eyes, they panic to wear it, light hand