不光是英国人和阿根廷人在以急切的心情关注着福克兰岛的冲突,全世界的军事战略家和武器设计师们也都在注视着这场意义重大的冲突。分析着从中应吸取的经验和教训,这场战斗是第二次世界大战以来第一场重要的海战,海战中电子时代的各种武器都正在实战中经受着考验。 众所周知,进攻性武器正如它们的设计师们所期望的那样,是致命性的非常有效,而为对抗这些进攻性武器,设计师们却面临着艰巨的任务。每一项对抗措施的实现都有赖于电子器件。
It is not just the British and the Argentines who are anxiously concerned about the Falklands conflict. Military strategists and weapon designers around the world are also watching this significant conflict. Analyzing the experience and lessons to be learned from. This battle was the first important naval battle since the Second World War. All kinds of weapons in the electronic age of sea-battle were under test in actual combat. As we all know, offensive weapons are as fatal as their designers expected, and designers face daunting tasks in fighting these offensive weapons. Each countermeasure depends on the realization of electronic devices.