从总体上看,昆虫是一类适应性最强的动物。其种类之多,形态变化之大,栖息环境之复杂和生活习性的多样性等等,都是无与伦比的。其中一些特殊的抗逆性,也往往是异乎寻常的。刺角天牛(Trirachys orientalis Hope)在国内分布于北京、河北、河南、山东、江苏、上海、浙江、四川,海南岛及台湾等地。此虫为害柳、柑桔、梨等,在北京严重为害银白
In general, insects are the most adaptable animals. Its many species, morphological changes, the complexity of habitat and living habits of the diversity, etc., are unparalleled. Some of these special resistances are also often extraordinary. Trirachys orientalis Hope is located in Beijing, Hebei, Henan, Shandong, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Sichuan, Hainan Island and Taiwan. The pest damage Liu, oranges, pears, etc., serious harm in Beijing silver