创“三甲”不是终点站 定措施再上新台阶

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我院于1993年9月被正式批准为“三级甲等医院”。医院分级管理工作的实施,有力地促进了医院工作,使各项医疗指标和业务收入均达历史最好水平,1992年门诊诊疗人次突破53万,比1991年增长3%,床位使用率达101.8%,比1991年增加1.4%;病床周转次数为19.4,比1991年增加0.7次;住院病人11104人,比1991年增加4.6%;业务收入2700万元,比1991年增加471.3万元,增长率为21.24%。我们认为,评为三级甲等医院仅是医院管理向规范化、标准化迈出的第一步,今后的任务是巩固、完善和提高“三甲”成果。为此医院制定了以下措施: 1.搞好总结,表彰先进。评审结束后,我们分层次对分级管理工作进行了全面总结。科室着重总 Our hospital was officially approved in September 1993 as a “third-grade A hospital.” The implementation of the hospital’s grading management work has effectively promoted the work of hospitals and enabled all medical indicators and business income to reach the best level in history. In 1992, the number of outpatient visits exceeded 530,000, an increase of 3% over 1991, and the utilization rate of beds was 101.8. %, an increase of 1.4% over 1991; the number of beds turnover was 19.4, an increase of 0.7 over 1991; 11,104 inpatients, an increase of 4.6% over 1991; business income of 27 million, an increase of 4,713,300,000 over 1991 It is 21.24%. We believe that the assessment of Grade III A hospitals is only the first step towards the standardization and standardization of hospital management. The task ahead is to consolidate, improve and improve the results of the “Top Three”. To this hospital has developed the following measures: 1. Do a good job of summing up and recognizing advanced technologies. After the review, we conducted a comprehensive summary of the hierarchical management work. The department focuses on the total