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万科作为一个跨地域开发比较成功的房企,已经开始将视角转移到珠三角,万科在珠三角地区的一系列动作也已经引起业界的充分关注。在群英荟萃的珠三角房地产市场,尤其是广州楼市,万科将扮演什么角色呢?是2003年2月24日《房地产导刊》采访王石的目的所在。瞄准两个三角洲每个企业在新的一年必定会制定新的发展规划,万科自不例外。在谈到2003年万科的战略调整是否和广州有密切关系时,王石明确表示,万科在2003年的战略重点将会是两个区域:珠江三角洲和长江三角洲地区。王石分析认为,珠江三角洲去年的增长率是26%,而广州同期的增长率是15%,深圳是20%,都低于珠江三角洲的总增长率,说明了珠江三角洲的总需求的潜力是巨大的。因此,王石并没有把眼光仅仅盯在广州、深圳,而是投向佛山、中山、珠海、东莞等地。同时他建议准备要跨地域经营的广州发展商,首先考虑跨入珠江三角洲的地域,这样的经营风险要比其它省份的风险小很多。从上世纪90年代初的跨地域经营算起,现在已是万科的第二次“北伐”。和第一次北伐比较而言,这一次在实力和经验上都有长足的发展,但风险依然很大。王石强调,希望广州的向外发展是自上而下的,而不是自下而上。在谈到万科在长江三角洲地区的发展时,王石表示将着重考虑上海、南京、苏州、无锡、常州、杭州等地。 Vanke as a trans-regional development more successful housing prices, has begun to shift its perspective to the PRD, Vanke in the Pearl River Delta region has also caused a series of actions has caused full concern in the industry. In the cluster of PRD real estate market, especially the property market in Guangzhou, Vanke will play what role? Yes February 24, 2003 “Real Estate Magazine” interview Wang Shi’s purpose. Aiming at each of the two Delta companies in the new year will certainly develop a new development plan, Vanke is no exception. When talking about whether Vanke’s strategic adjustment in 2003 was closely related to Guangzhou, Wang Shih clearly stated that Vanke’s strategic focus in 2003 will be two areas: the Pearl River Delta and the Yangtze River Delta. According to Wang Shi, the Pearl River Delta grew 26% last year, while its growth rate was 15% in Guangzhou and 20% in Shenzhen, both lower than the total growth rate in the Pearl River Delta. This shows that the potential for total demand in the Pearl River Delta is huge of. Therefore, Wang Shi did not just look at the eyes of Guangzhou, Shenzhen, but to invest in Foshan, Zhongshan, Zhuhai, Dongguan and other places. At the same time, he suggested that Guangzhou developers planning to go beyond geographical boundaries first consider entering into the Pearl River Delta region. Such risks are far less risky than those in other provinces. From the beginning of the 90s of last century, trans-regional operations count, it is now Vanke’s second “Northern Expedition.” Compared with the first Northern Expedition, this time there has been tremendous growth in strength and experience, but the risks are still great. Wang Shi emphasized that he hoped that the outward development of Guangzhou would be top-down instead of bottom-up. When it comes to the development of Vanke in the Yangtze River Delta, Wang Shi said he will focus on Shanghai, Nanjing, Suzhou, Wuxi, Changzhou and Hangzhou.
用间接免疫荧光法(IFAT)研究了太原市家鼠型 HFRS 疫区人群隐性感染状况。结果疫区人群隐性感染率为1.13%。其中学生为最高(1.87%),其次为儿童(1.10%),最低为干部(0.47%)。爆