The distribution characteristics of hydrogen and oxygen isotopes of groundwater in Quaternary of Henan Plain generally showed a trend of increasing from north to south. The δ18O values of groundwater in shallow and deep groundwater systems were basically the same. The δ18O value of water in the northern part of the plain is the lowest, and becomes smaller and smaller as the distance from the Yellow River becomes closer and shows the characteristic of “∨”. The δ18O value of water in the southern part of the plain is the highest, and becomes larger and larger as it gets closer to the Huaihe River, showing a “∧” variation. The δ18O value of water in the middle part of the plain is between the two, and the change is relatively gentle. Shallow system water is mainly supplied by atmospheric precipitation. Deep system water is exploited, making the over-flow recharge of shallow water a major source of recharge. In addition, shallow system water in the northern part of the plain and lateral supply of the Yellow River are also important sources of recharge of groundwater in the coastal areas. However, the shallow system water in the southern part of the plain is excreted by the Huaihe River while receiving precipitation recharge.