1996年11月18日,时届初冬,江南明珠南县南洲镇却艳阳高照,喜气洋洋地迎接来自三湘四水的兰台“笔杆子”。 当晚八时许,《湖南档案》编辑部、南县档案局在燕山宾馆举行欢迎晚会。田兴华同志一曲《有一个美丽的传说》拉开序幕。晚会以档案刊物知识抢答赛为主线,以歌舞和单口相声为主要形式。来自全省各地、市、县的30名通联站长、通讯员个个踊跃参入,把晚会一次又一次推向高潮。中共南县县委常委、县委办主任高玉香同志兴致勃勃地参加晚会,为大家演唱。整个晚会流畅、自然、无拘无束。永州市档案局
November 18, 1996, when the beginning of the winter, south of the southern town of Nanxun bright sunshine, beaming to meet the blue from Sanxiang Lantai “Pen child.” Eight o’clock that night, “Hunan Archives” editorial department, County Archives held a welcome party in Yanshan Hotel. Comrade Tian Xinghua, “There is a beautiful legend,” kicked off. Party to the evening of the magazine knowledge contest as the main line to the main form of singing and dancing and single port comic dialogue. 30 from all over the province, city, county communications stationmaster, correspondent all enthusiastically joined the party again orgasm. Comrade Gao Yu-hsiang, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Nannan County Committee and director of the County Office, was greeted with great interest by the party. The whole party is smooth, natural, unrestrained. Yongzhou Archives